Organic Baby Carriers, Wraps And Slings
Hug-a-Bubs® Are Changing Lives
Carrying your baby as you start your life together, if only for the first 3 months of her life will have profound long-term benefits for you both. The closeness and security that a Hug-a-Bub® brings makes the transitional weeks of bonding with your baby much easier, particularly for new mothers

Baby Carriers
The transition to life outside the womb can be a major adjustment for a newborn baby, and it is vital for the first 3 months of the baby's life to be secure and comfortable to ensure the best possible long-term benefits.
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The Hidden Power Of Touch
Did you know that the power of touch affects newborn stability and the quality of mother-infant attachment? Smelling mother, feeling the touch of mother's skin and hearing mother's heartbeat all help to regulate your baby's system, including temperature, heart and respiration rates.
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You Are The Expert On Your Baby
As a mum who carries her baby you will come to learn that you are the expert on your child. You are equipped to understand every cry and meet every need. Your intuition is your greatest tool and it becomes stronger when you give birth.
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